I’ve always been enamoured of things like bird calling contests, and for 43 years now the students of Piedmont High have not failed to deliver.
They originally appreared on the Johnny Carson Show, but when Jay Leno took over, in an effort to distance himself from Carson, he passed on this grand tradition. David Letterman, however, wisely saw an opportunity too good to miss! (You missed out, Mr. Leno!)
Interestingly, at first Letterman insisted that his producers be the ones to pick which three contestants would appear. I’m sure they had their reasons, but it felt to me that this process somehow overlooked a sense of fair play. Think of how it must’ve been for any students who placed in the contest but didn’t make it to the show!
Anyhow, six years ago, Principal Randy Booker came into the picture, and HE insisted that it be the three winners of the contest. It worked – well played, Mr. Booker!!
Congratulations to this year’s contest winners/bird calling celebrities! Watch them in action: